Winter calendar

From The 3geez Wiki
Revision as of 04:08, 11 August 2007 by Frantik (talk | contribs)

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{{#comment | || || Initialize variables and functions || }}

{{#function | ShowDay || {{#1}} }} {{#array | month | 31 | 28 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30 | 31 }} {{#days_in_month | @= | {{#month | {{#op 04 - 1 }} }} }} {{#WeekStart | @= | {{#op | 8 - ( ( 28 - 0 ) mod 7 ) }} }}

{{#comment | || || Draw calendar || }}

{{#showday | April 2024 }}

{{#for | {{#i = 0}} || {{#i | < | {{#WeekStart}} }} || {{#i ++}} || {{#ShowDay| 00 }} }}{{#for | {{#day = 1}} || {{#day | <= | {{#days_in_month}} }} || {{#null}} || {{#for | {{#i | = | {{#WeekStart}} }} || {{#i < 7}} || {{#i ++}} {{#day ++}} || {{#ShowDay | {{#if | {{#day < 10}} || 0}}{{#if | {{#day | > | {{#days_in_month}} }} || 00 || {{#day}} }} }} }}

{{#WeekStart @= 0}}
